Thursday, January 27, 2005
First Recipe: Chili Lesson
Ok, I think the appropriate first one is going to be about chili. In honor of the Superbowl on Feb 6. I'm going to tell you something about cooking chili. Measurements are relative.There are a few basic things you throw in, then season to taste.
*Note: chili powder has cumin(mexican seasoning also good itself to add to chili), garlic, oregano. Check the label of your bottle. There are different mixes depending on the brand.
- Ingredients:
- Meat Can be anything, your preference. I suggest ground beef, beef chunks, some like chicken or turkey. Usually 1 lb. is enough to feed 4-6 hungry people.
- Beans Only if you like them. 1lb. will be enough with 1lb. of meat. My husband swears by his pinto beans. This is what mexican restaraunts use. He says it tastes better if you cook them yourself, not use a can. To cook the beans: fill a large pan, such as a dutch oven, with water, pour the beans in. Bring to a boil. Boil rapidly, adding water as necessary until the beans are soft. This can take anywhere from 1 hour to several. If you would like to season them, garlic powder and salt are good options. Do not use too much or it will alter the flavor of your chili. Ultimately what you want is a 'hint' of flavor.
- Tomatoes Some people like to use fresh, this is unnecessary. We use diced in can tomatoes. My husband also uses a large can of V8. I'd say about 4-14oz cans should do it. If you don't like chunky chili, do not use crushed tomatoes, it starts tasting like tomato paste. Use a blender to smooth it out.
- Spices Ultimately, this is what makes it chili and not soup. Chili pepper and Chili powder are two very different things. Use less chili pepper than you would powder, it is stronger and can have a bitter aftertaste. Always salt and pepper to taste. Use garlic powder not garlic salt, this can make your chili too salty by the time you get the appropriate garlic flavor.
- Any other veggies are optional. Some add onions, green onions aka scallions, carrots, corn. Use good judgement. Make a small pot, taste it, if you like it make a bigger one.
*Note: chili powder has cumin(mexican seasoning also good itself to add to chili), garlic, oregano. Check the label of your bottle. There are different mixes depending on the brand.